Throughout college, I was involved in The Daily Californian, the independent student-run newspaper of the UC Berkeley campus and local city, as a news editor and reporter. More recent clips of my work in writing and/or social media can be provided on request.

Further clips can be found here.
Students spring into opposition after Bill Maher announced as keynote speaker
October 29, 2014

In response to the selection of comedian Bill Maher as the keynote speaker for the December commencement ceremony, students started an online petition that urged the campus to stop him from speaking.
Activists continue 2nd day of Wheeler Hall occupation, protests on campus
November 21, 2014

Students and community activists occupied a major campus building for several days in a week-long protest against the UC Board of Regents' decision to move forward with a proposed tuition hike policy.
Storify: Live updates from 4th day of ongoing protests in Berkeley
December 9, 2014

Right before finals week, protests over the police killings of black men took over the city of Berkeley. Lasting multiple days, the protests made national news, and often, Daily Cal's coverage was referenced by national news outlets.
Safeway reopens on College Avenue after years of planning
January 17, 2015

Although mostly welcomed by college students, the much-delayed opening of a Safeway was met with fears of future gentrification and limited parking by the local community.